The ash yard for Simcha

  • hawky
  • The ash yard for Simcha

 3 weeks ago

Like many of our other monuments, this Baroque-Classical court founded in the 16th century with a brewery, stables, granary and a historically valuable barn adjacent to the brewery with a unique roof construction called "l'Orme's truss" - reminiscent of a ship's keel and converted into a car park, was devastated by the People's Army. The complex was supplemented by military buildings that still bear Bolshevik slogans on their facades, perhaps from the time when the 1st Technical Battalion was transferred here in 1951, stationed here in the Fifty-seventh, which, despite a certain similarity of name, was not one of the...  show more 
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  • bramisek

    3 weeks ago

    Tyjo, jednu dobu jsem ho viděl všude a teďka ho vidim po dlouhý době, a jak se na ty fotky hezky kouká😅


      3 weeks ago

      Dík. Jsem našel na netu, že tam jednu dobu dělali prohlídky, tak to bylo asi tím.


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