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Joined August 2023
Joined August 2023
11 months ago
The cantina for the foundry employees is located at the end of the site and is separated from the other part of the building, which is still in use and owned by another company, by only one door. Thanks to this, and to the camera that is pointed at the only possible entrance, the inside is virtually untouched.
The technical condition of the building is not so good...
The technical condition of the building is not so good...
Kantýna pro zaměstnance slévárny se nachází až na konci areálu a od druhé části budovy, která je stále používaná a vlastněna jinou firmou ji dělí pouze jedny vrata. Díky tomu a také díky kameře, která je namířena na jediný možný vchod je uvnitř v podstatě netknutá.
Technický stav budovy na tom už tak dobře není...
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Halls partially demolished, but was still exploring. Photos from the winter visit 2022/2023
Colour of piece goods II.
Blasting plant with dipping plant
Also, do you sometimes feel like you've walked into somewhere that's not even an urbex...
Colour of piece goods I.
This town had a long tradition of textile industry. Thanks to the gentleman who founded...
The foundry that went bankrupt
It mainly produced brake blocks for railway cars and locomotives and also weights for tractors....
Former factory for bent goods
I also dare to add a few photos from the factory for bentwood. Unfortunately, the...