LDN Bílovice nad Svitavou 🏥

 1 year ago

Jihomoravský kraj, Brno-venkov, 

An abandoned hospital for long-term patients in one of the beautiful valleys between Babice nad Svitavou and Bílovice nad Svitavou ❤️

The building has been closed since 2010 thanks to a resolution that closed the building. This was because the building did not meet new fire regulations in the form of a new lift and stairs, only there was no money for these things, which led to this building being closed and patients being moved to Brno 🏥

The hospital suffers mainly from its notoriety and easy access, which is why many vandals and thieves look in 🚪 Unfortunately, no...  show more 
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  • Bohužel, dnes hodně zdevastované :( Takto to dopadne, když se proflákne nějaká lokace...

      Přesně tak 😔 Dneska je to prostě těžké někomu věřit, aby nešířil lokaci dál a mezi špatné lidi 😔


The former LDN of the Brno hospital in a separate workplace in the beautiful valley...

An abandoned LDN, most people probably know. Unfortunately, after frequent visits from unwelcome guests, this...

The photos are from around 2015, it looks much different now :( It was taken...