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Long-term hospital Bílovice nad Svitavou
Léčebna dlouhodobě nemocných Bílovice nad Svitavou
- frana8
- Long-term hospital Bílovice nad Svitavou
3 months ago
Jihomoravský kraj, Okres Brno-venkov,
The hospital for the long-term sick Bílovice nad Svitavou is located near the railway station Babice nad Svitavou in a lonely place near the river Svitava. That is probably why you can see two names of this building - LDN Babice and LDN Bílovice.
The construction of a new building for the Student Clinic in Brno was decided in 1924. The building was completed in 1930 and was officially named Masaryk Convalescent Home in Adamov. In 1933 it ceased to serve the convalescent students and was sold at auction and converted into a hotel facility.
The construction of a new building for the Student Clinic in Brno was decided in 1924. The building was completed in 1930 and was officially named Masaryk Convalescent Home in Adamov. In 1933 it ceased to serve the convalescent students and was sold at auction and converted into a hotel facility.
Léčebna dlouhodobě nemocných Bílovice nad Svitavou se nachází nedaleko železniční zastávky Babice nad Svitavou na osamělém místě u řeky Svitavy. Nejspíš proto se můžete setkat se dvěma názvy této budovy – LDN Babice i LDN Bílovice.
O stavbě nového objektu ozdravovny Studentské kliniky v Brně bylo rozhodnuto v roce 1924. Budova byla dokončena v roce 1930 a nesla oficiální název Masarykova zotavovna v Adamově. V roce 1933 přestala sloužit studentům rekonvalescentům a byla v dražbě prodána a přeměněna v hotelové zařízení.
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Hospital on the edge of town
An abandoned LDN, most people probably know. Unfortunately, after frequent visits from unwelcome guests, this long-term care facility is completely decimated :(
LDN 2021
The former LDN of the Brno hospital in a separate workplace in the beautiful valley of the Svitava river.
LDN Bílovice nad Svitavou 🏥
An abandoned hospital for long-term patients in one of the beautiful valleys between Babice nad Svitavou and Bílovice nad Svitavou ❤️ The building has been closed since 2010 thanks to...
Abandoned LDN 2020
Long-term care hospital
The photos are from around 2015, it looks much different now :( It was taken with a mobile back then, so the quality is not great