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Joined September 2023
Joined September 2023
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A station with a dark history where trains no longer stop
Nádraží s temnou historií, kde vlaky již nestaví
- hawky
- A station with a dark history where trains no longer stop
8 months ago
Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha,
It was established 16 years after the Northern State Railway was put into operation in 1866, when the Buštěhrad railway link from Bruska was built. Although not the first steam railway station, it was the first railway station in Prague. In the upper part of Bushrad, there was also their small depot, which is now history, as well as the huge railway workshops of the state railway in the lower part, and behind the first construction site still stands the original customs building. There were also two bus stops within the station perimeter and opposite the station building stood the...
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It was established 16 years after the Northern State Railway was put into operation in 1866, when the Buštěhrad railway link from Bruska was built. Although not the first steam railway station, it was the first railway station in Prague. In the upper part of Bushrad, there was also their small depot, which is now history, as well as the huge railway workshops of the state railway in the lower part, and behind the first construction site still stands the original customs building. There were also two bus stops within the station perimeter and opposite the station building stood the warehouses from whose ramps transports with 50,000 Prague Jews left for the ghettos in Lodz and Terezín in 1941-45. In their memory, the sculpture The Gate of Irreversibility was unveiled on the commemoration of the night of 8-9 March 1944, when nearly 4,000 prisoners of the so-called Terezin family camp in Auschwitz were murdered, and the station building became the Shoah Memorial.
Vznikalo až 16 let po uvedení Severní státní dráhy do provozu roku 1866, kdy zde došlo k výstavbě spojky Buštěhradské dráhy z Brusky. Sice ne prvního parostrojního, ale opravdu prvního nádraží na území Prahy. V horní, buštěhradské časti stávalo i jejich malé depo, které je již minulostí, stejně jako ohromné železniční dílny státní dráhy v dolní časti a za prvním stavědlem dodnes stojí původní budova celnice. V obvodu nádraží se nacházely i dvě zastávky a naproti nádražní budově stály skladiště, od jejichž ramp odjížděly v letech 1941-45 transporty s 50-ti tisíci pražských Židů do ghett v Lodži a Terezíně. Na jejich památku byla odhalena plastika Brána nenávratna v den připomínky noci z 8. na 9. března 1944, kdy bylo zavražděno téměř 4000 vězňů takzvaného terezínského rodinného tábora v Osvětimi a z výpravní budovy vzniká Památník Šoa.
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