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Joined May 2023
Joined May 2023
Zdravím, jsem Patrik a jsem člověk, který se rád věnuje ve svém volném času urbexu. Nejenom, že se o urbexy zajimám skrze historii, součastnost i budoucnost, ale také z nich natáčím videa :) Můj Instagram - viral_patrik
8 months ago
In the deep bowels of 🖤⛏️🚊🌿
In a large city, in a courtyard, lush vegetation and behind a green door, is the entrance to one of the dozens of tunnels and tunnels of this city 🖤
We are in one of the tunnels, but it was not used
for mining or shelter. It was to be used for one other not insignificant project of the time. This project was to boost public transport, which at the time had a very large passenger load. Work started early this year 1977⛏️
The tunnel was to become a 650m long tram tunnel.... show more @viral_patrik
In the deep bowels of 🖤⛏️🚊🌿
In a large city, in a courtyard, lush vegetation and behind a green door, is the entrance to one of the dozens of tunnels and tunnels of this city 🖤
We are in one of the tunnels, but it was not used
for mining or shelter. It was to be used for one other not insignificant project of the time. This project was to boost public transport, which at the time had a very large passenger load. Work started early this year 1977⛏️
The tunnel was to become a 650m long tram tunnel.
around the city and would also save the trams from having to
driving up a very steep hill 🚊
Unfortunately the work stopped around 1979
for an unknown reason. Probably due to financial
and quite a difficult process. So the workers left the tunnel, took their equipment with them and
the flame of life was extinguished. Today, only one abandoned, unfinished shaft 510m long remains from this great project. But the glimmer of hope may not have been extinguished forever as there is still a chance to rebuild this adit. The zoning plan still envisages running the tramway line under the castle 🌿
You can find a video from this place here 🖐️
In the deep bowels of 🖤⛏️🚊🌿
In a large city, in a courtyard, lush vegetation and behind a green door, is the entrance to one of the dozens of tunnels and tunnels of this city 🖤
We are in one of the tunnels, but it was not used
for mining or shelter. It was to be used for one other not insignificant project of the time. This project was to boost public transport, which at the time had a very large passenger load. Work started early this year 1977⛏️
The tunnel was to become a 650m long tram tunnel.... show more @viral_patrik
In the deep bowels of 🖤⛏️🚊🌿
In a large city, in a courtyard, lush vegetation and behind a green door, is the entrance to one of the dozens of tunnels and tunnels of this city 🖤
We are in one of the tunnels, but it was not used
for mining or shelter. It was to be used for one other not insignificant project of the time. This project was to boost public transport, which at the time had a very large passenger load. Work started early this year 1977⛏️
The tunnel was to become a 650m long tram tunnel.
around the city and would also save the trams from having to
driving up a very steep hill 🚊
Unfortunately the work stopped around 1979
for an unknown reason. Probably due to financial
and quite a difficult process. So the workers left the tunnel, took their equipment with them and
the flame of life was extinguished. Today, only one abandoned, unfinished shaft 510m long remains from this great project. But the glimmer of hope may not have been extinguished forever as there is still a chance to rebuild this adit. The zoning plan still envisages running the tramway line under the castle 🌿
You can find a video from this place here 🖐️
V hlubokých útrobách 🖤⛏️🚊🌿
Ve velkém městě, v jednom nádvoří, bujné vegetaci a za zelenými dveřmi, se nachází vchod do jednoho z několika desítek tunelů a štol tohoto města 🖤
My se nachází v jedné ze štol, která ale nesloužila
k žádné těžbě či úkrytu. Měla sloužit pro jeden jiný nemalý projekt té doby. Tenhle projekt měl posílit hromadnou dopravou, která v té době měla hodně veliký nápor cestujících. Práce se zahájili začátkem roku 1977⛏️
Ze štoly tak měl vzniknout tunel pro tramvaje o délce 650m.Tunel by dokázal zrychlit tramvaje
po městě a také by tramvajím ušetřil náročnou
jízdu do velmi prudkého kopce 🚊
Bohužel práce se kolem roku 1979 pozastavili
z neznámého důvodu. Nejspíš díky finančnímu
a dosti náročnému procesu. Dělníci tak ze štoly odešli, vybavení si vzali s sebou a ve štole tak
zhasl plamínek života. Dnes z tohoto velkého projektu zbyla pouze jedna opuštěna nedostavěna štola o délce 510m. Plamínek naděje ale nemusel této štoly zhasnout navždy neboť je stále šance na její obnovu. S vedením tramvajové trati v této trase pod hradem počítá územní plán i nadále 🌿
Video z tohoto místa můžete najít tady 🖐️
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