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Joined March 2021
Joined March 2021
Jsem starý a tak se rád toulám. Stačí foťák, bágl, trocha kafe a volnost ... Je to vlastně sranda - většina těch věcí je o hodně mladší než JÁ. Já jsem vlastně ŽIVEJ URBEX.
3 years ago
Olomoucký kraj, Olomouc,
So finally the second visit to the Sokol Hall. The premises are not so devastated after all. Their restoration will begin very soon. The offices and, most importantly, the original ballroom will return to its original beauty. One more episode .... It could be called RESTARTURBEX.
Tak konečně druhá návštěva Sokolovny. Prostory nakonec nejsou tak moc zdevastované. Jejich obnova započne velice brzo. Kanceláře a hlavně - původní společenský sál dozná návratu do své původní krásy. Že by ještě jeden díl .... Mohl by se jmenovat RESTARTURBEX.
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Olomouc - Abandoned area (my...
A slightly larger abandoned compound. Scouting was good, but it's already been taken over by...
Olomouc - Dělnický dům (my...
It's a little bit guarded, so we had to run off for some old guy.
Olomouc - Hejčínský golem (my...
It's a well-known building in Olomouc, it used to be a training ground for policemen,...
Olomouc - Abandoned Garden (my...
We found this abandoned garden on the outskirts of Olomouc, so we went there to...
Olomouc - Abandoned anti-aircraft bunker...
In the vicinity of the previous urbex, my friend and I found an anti-aircraft bunker,...
Military Space 2021