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Joined October 2020
Joined October 2020
Na profilu najdete urbex,urban climbing,infiltraci nebo tajné podzemní objekty. Mám také instagram (urbex.mb) kde vychází fotky a alba o něco dříve tak mne tam neváhejte sledovat :)))
3 years ago
Středočeský kraj, Mladá Boleslav,
Emergency exit somewhere in Mlada Boleslav.
I've been searching for some time now, just watching the ventilation pipes and a little analysis of what they are from and where they lead and suddenly you can pick out a few hatches or turrets.
This time it worked and didn't work.
It was closed from the other side :(
I will add one more observation from a friend that amused me.
"Petey, why didn't you just dig it out ?"
Answer : "Do you know what a fallout shelter is? That it survives the blast of an atomic bomb and you think... show more Emergency exit somewhere in Mlada Boleslav.
I've been searching for some time now, just watching the ventilation pipes and a little analysis of what they are from and where they lead and suddenly you can pick out a few hatches or turrets.
This time it worked and didn't work.
It was closed from the other side :(
I will add one more observation from a friend that amused me.
"Petey, why didn't you just dig it out ?"
Answer : "Do you know what a fallout shelter is? That it survives the blast of an atomic bomb and you think I'd dig it up ? :) "
There are five more shelters, this is only one of five, so when we have time we'll definitely go through all of them and keep your fingers crossed that one is open or not there at all.
I've been searching for some time now, just watching the ventilation pipes and a little analysis of what they are from and where they lead and suddenly you can pick out a few hatches or turrets.
This time it worked and didn't work.
It was closed from the other side :(
I will add one more observation from a friend that amused me.
"Petey, why didn't you just dig it out ?"
Answer : "Do you know what a fallout shelter is? That it survives the blast of an atomic bomb and you think... show more Emergency exit somewhere in Mlada Boleslav.
I've been searching for some time now, just watching the ventilation pipes and a little analysis of what they are from and where they lead and suddenly you can pick out a few hatches or turrets.
This time it worked and didn't work.
It was closed from the other side :(
I will add one more observation from a friend that amused me.
"Petey, why didn't you just dig it out ?"
Answer : "Do you know what a fallout shelter is? That it survives the blast of an atomic bomb and you think I'd dig it up ? :) "
There are five more shelters, this is only one of five, so when we have time we'll definitely go through all of them and keep your fingers crossed that one is open or not there at all.
Nouzový výlez někde v Mladé Boleslavi.
Už nějaký čas se věnuji hledání,stačí sledovat ventilační trubky a trochu analyzovat od čeho jsou a kam vedou a rázem se člověku povede si vytypovat pár poklopů či věžiček.
Tentokrát to vyšlo i nevyšlo.
Bylo zavřeno z druhé strany :(
Ještě přidám jeden poznatek od známého který mne pobavil.
„Pety a proč jsi to prostě nevykopl ?“
Odpověď : „Víš co znamená protiatomový kryt ? Že to přežije výbuch atomové bomby a ty myslíš že bych to vykopl ? :) “
Nouzáků je dalších pět tohle je pouze jeden z pěti takže až bude čas rozhodně projdeme všechny a držte nám palce ať je jeden pootevřen nebo tam není vůbec.
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