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Joined September 2023
Joined September 2023
Prosím vás pokud někoho zajímá lokace, může si o ní slušně napsat. Na tlačítko prozrazení polohy nereaguji...Ale sděluji jen těm, co tu sami mají alba.
5 months ago
In 1888, a textile machinery company was founded here, which later produced bicycles, motorcycles, and unsuccessfully also passenger vehicles, and finally ended up with commercial and then freight cars. After the war, Red Army vehicles were repaired here, and since the GDR was established, the comrades started to produce trucks here again under a stolen licence, also known in this country. This ended after the fall of the Eastern Bloc, and you can judge for yourself what was left.
1888 tu byla založena firma na výrobu textilních strojů, která později vyráběla bicykly, motocykly, neúspěšně i osobní vozidla, až nakonec skončila u užitkových a posléze nákladních vozů. Po válce tu opravovali vozidla Rudé armády a od vzniku NDR tu soudruzi opět začali vyrábět na ukradenou licenci nákladní vozy, známé i u nás. To po pádu Východního bloku skončilo a co zbylo posuďte sami.
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5 months ago
Dilapidated two tenements next to...
It's two apartment buildings across the street from each other, they're really run down and...
Semi-decayed brewery 2024
There is not much to see in this brewery anymore, it is slowly falling apart...
Small foundry 2024
In this little factory, it kind of looked like the workers went home after their...
Factory for small legendary trucks.2024
There is not much left of the whole factory, just empty halls in a rather...
The depot with a collapsed...
This was a really interesting watch, the hystorical trains trapped under the collapsed roof gave...
Vila 2021
Today again another motor trip,with the aim to catch some JWM art.Finally we caught eight...