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Joined September 2023
Joined September 2023
Prosím vás pokud někoho zajímá lokace, může si o ní slušně napsat. Na tlačítko prozrazení polohy nereaguji...Ale sděluji jen těm, co tu sami mají alba.
The "infamous" successor of the famous Ringhoffer
"Neslavná" pokračovatelka slavné Ringhofferky
- hawky
- The "infamous" successor of the famous Ringhoffer
1 year ago
Baron František Ringhoffer II and his family have indelibly inscribed themselves in the face of the Prague suburb of Smíchov. In 1852, the largest carriage house in the monarchy was built there. Also, long before Bata, he built houses for his workers (to enslave them, according to the Comanche) and established a company sickness fund and a pension fund for them (the comrades have already forgotten about this). And most importantly, he founded the Velkopopovice brewery ;-) After the war, the factory was nationalized because of alleged collaboration and ČKD Tatra was founded, which became the largest tram manufacturer in...
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Baron František Ringhoffer II and his family have indelibly inscribed themselves in the face of the Prague suburb of Smíchov. In 1852, the largest carriage house in the monarchy was built there. Also, long before Bata, he built houses for his workers (to enslave them, according to the Comanche) and established a company sickness fund and a pension fund for them (the comrades have already forgotten about this). And most importantly, he founded the Velkopopovice brewery ;-) After the war, the factory was nationalized because of alleged collaboration and ČKD Tatra was founded, which became the largest tram manufacturer in the world. In the 80's this new complex was built, but it didn't even see its completion (when I was a kid I used to go there to see my mom through the halls where there was only dirt on the ground, ride the tram on the test track and crawl through the workshops). The Smichov plant was blown away by time (or the developers?) and there are minicars running around instead of the trams and metro that were built there then. The subway was connected to the plant by tracks and you can see the switch there in one photo with a track splice. Today it housed a lot of businesses before PSN tore it down, but it also has huge manufacturing facilities as they were back then, just gaping emptiness and the beautiful Ringhoffer tram still sits on the gatehouse. It's a strange feeling, from such a strange urbex.
Baron František Ringhoffer II. a jeho rod se nesmazatelně zapsal do tvářnosti pražského předměstí Smíchova. Roku 1852 tam dal vzniknout největší vagónce v monarchii. Také dávno před Baťou stavěl pro své dělníky domy (aby je dle komančů zotročil) a založil pro ně podnikovou nemocenskou pokladnu a penzijní fond (o tom už soudruzi pomlčeli). A hlavně založil Velkopopovický pivovár ;-) Po válce továrnu znárodnili z důvodu údajné kolaborace a vzniklo ČKD Tatra, které se stalo největším výrobce tramvají na světě. V 80. letech vznikal tento nový areál, který se však nedočkal ani své dostavby (jako malý jsem tam chodil za mamkou ještě přes haly, kde byla na zemi jen hlína, vozil se tramvají na zkušební koleji a prolézal dílnami). Smíchovský závod odvál čas (či developeři?) a zde se místo tramvají a metra, které se tu pak dělalo prohánějí minikáry. Metro bylo na závod napojené kolejí a výhybku tam můžete vidět na jedné fotce s kolejovou splítkou. Dnes tu sídlí spousta firem, než to PSN zbourá, ale taky tu jsou ohromné výrobní prostory tak jak byly tenkrát, jen zející prázdnotou a na vrátnici dodnes stojí krásná ringhofferova tramvaj. Zvláštní pocit, z takového zvláštního urbexu.
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