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Joined September 2023
Joined September 2023
Prosím vás pokud někoho zajímá lokace, může si o ní slušně napsat. Na tlačítko prozrazení polohy nereaguji...Ale sděluji jen těm, co tu sami mají alba.
11 months ago
Plzeň Region, Rokycany District,
When this steel city was being built, there was no shortage of locker rooms and restrooms, from which we walk through the ingot cleaning room adjacent to the SM steel mill and make our way to the rough rolling mill, where the ingots go through the bumping furnace while we look into the office and technical facilities. Then we head to the heavy section line, of which only the blast furnace, majestically straddling the entire width of the hall, and the engine of the rough rolling mill remain thanks to the autogenous burners. Another of the velins has been left...
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When this steel city was being built, there was no shortage of locker rooms and restrooms, from which we walk through the ingot cleaning room adjacent to the SM steel mill and make our way to the rough rolling mill, where the ingots go through the bumping furnace while we look into the office and technical facilities. Then we head to the heavy section line, of which only the blast furnace, majestically straddling the entire width of the hall, and the engine of the rough rolling mill remain thanks to the autogenous burners. Another of the velins has been left abandoned by the remains of the rolling mills and before the operation ends with the expedition, we take a breather in the rollers' cubicle where they have created a "heaven" to their liking. Finally, we take a look at the welders' apprentice workshop with their school pit latrines, located in the former generator station standing next to the steelworks.
Když tohle ocelové město vznikalo, nemohla chybět ani budova šaten a sociálního zázemí, z které se projdeme čistírnou ingotů přiléhající k SM ocelárně a vydáme se do hrubé válcovny, kde ingoty projdou narážecí nahřívací pecí, zatímco my koukneme do kanclu a technického zázemí. Pak už vyrazíme do prostor těžké profilové tratě, z které díky hořákům autogenu zůstal jen velín majestátně rozkročený přes celou šíři haly a poháněcí motor hrubé válcovny. Další z velínů zůstal opuštěný u zbytků válcovacích stolic a než provoz skončí expedicí, oddychnem si v kutlochu válcířů, kde si vytvořili "nebesa" dle svých představ. Na závěr se podíváme do učňovské dílny svářečů s jejich školními škamnami, které jsou umístěné v bývalé generátorové stanici stojící vedle ocelárny.
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6 months ago
To je někde u Rokycan tohle místo?
6 months ago
Ty lavice jsem tam rovnal Já , ale ty česáky tam nepamatuji.
11 months ago
Slowly disappearing ironworks
A familiar place, although it's still alive here, the dead parts of the ironworks are...
Ironworks with a mole
A familiar place that is slowly disappearing. It is interesting that in one of the...
Electric motor
The first time I saw this place, I didn't know it would be the last...
Javor 51 - atommuzeum
Just a teaser (so I don't take up space). More photos at https://kodiak66.rajce.idnes.cz/
Javor 51
Maple fifty-two destroyed and burned. Fifty_ka is even worse off. What happened to fifty-one that...
Hospital with a maternity ward...
@viral_patrik I love hospitals 🖤💀⚕️ Old operating theatres, long corridors, beds without patients and old...