Ende operation of aluminium alloys

  • hawky
  • Ende operation of aluminium alloys

 1 week ago

The original lump factories were created as a complete economic nonsense under political pressure from the party, whose totally uneconomical operation was terminated after only 11 years. However, the site continued to be used for metal processing. Aluminium alloys were an important product. But even this operation has now ceased to exist, the siding has been torn up and the plant hall demolished, as have the lump furnaces. In the area behind the site, the azure colour of the liquid in the pits of the original tailings ponds, whose content is said to exceed the limits of heavy metals by a factor of 100 - 1000 ! and is only a few metres from the adjacent stream. Welcome to the Czech Republic.
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  • robert

    1 week ago

    Moc jim to nejde na to, že už měsíc bourají.


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