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Joined September 2023
Joined September 2023
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Station of the Austrian North-Western Railway
Nádraží Rakouské severozápadní dráhy
- hawky
- Station of the Austrian North-Western Railway
7 months ago
It was opened on 4 October 1874 and the whole station complex formed part of the great European transport project of the former Austrian North-Western Railway. At the end of the war, 14 warehouses were destroyed by heavy bombing. One of the last ones was destroyed by the Railway Administration itself, which cut and tore the roof instead of maintaining it. All that was left was an air-raid shelter from the war and a lurking cat of homeless people. It ceased to be used for international traffic and eventually for all passenger traffic, leaving the magnificent station building unused. Opposite,...
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It was opened on 4 October 1874 and the whole station complex formed part of the great European transport project of the former Austrian North-Western Railway. At the end of the war, 14 warehouses were destroyed by heavy bombing. One of the last ones was destroyed by the Railway Administration itself, which cut and tore the roof instead of maintaining it. All that was left was an air-raid shelter from the war and a lurking cat of homeless people. It ceased to be used for international traffic and eventually for all passenger traffic, leaving the magnificent station building unused. Opposite, in the shed of the former carriageway, remains a stranded carriage which once served on the sidings of the Coal Treatment Works, Ledvice and came to an end at Matonni. Surrounded by the rubbish of the local inhabitants, it is a sad reminder of an attempt to create a museum that was thwarted by the ČD.
Bylo zprovozněno 4. října 1874 a celý komplex nádraží tvořil součást velkého evropského dopravního projektu bývalé Rakouské severozápadní dráhy. Na sklonku války bylo při silném bombardování mj. zničeno 14 skladišť. Jedno z posledních zničila svým hospodařením sama Správa železnic, která místo údržby střechu rozřezala a strhla. Zůstal tu pouze protiletecký kryt z války a číhající kočka bezdomovců. Přestalo být využíváno pro mezinárodní dopravu a nakonec pro veškerou osobní, a tak zůstala nevyužitá i velkolepá nádražní budova. Naproti, v hale bývalé vozovky zůstala uvízlá karkulka, která kdysi sloužila na vlečce Úpravna uhlí, Ledvice a dosloužila u Matonni. Obklopená odpadky zdejších obyvatel, jako smutná připomínka snahy o vznik muzea, kterou ČD zmařily.
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