Abandoned recreation centre

 2 weeks ago

Zlínský kraj, Vsetín, 

When we arrived in front of the recreation center, we wondered how we were going to get there, but then we found a hole by one of the balconies and we squeezed through. We started on the right side where the rooms were. Above that was the attic with a lot of stuff. On the left side, which was a lot more expansive, we found a basement, an elevator, a huge kitchen, and lots of stuff. I found some information:
- Vsetin district.
- Phone 943 37
- Operator Průmyslové stavby n.p. Gottwaldov
- Year of commissioning 1962
-...  show more 
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The former Rehabilitation Centre, just over the border in Poland with Karviná

Surrounded by beautiful Beskydy nature, it was probably closed in 2008.

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